Big Pink Moon Stuck in Row of Leafless Trees Wall Art Psychology

Posted at x:36 AM ET, 11/21/2006

List: Summit 100 Albums of All Time?

By Liz Kelly

Evidently sub-par band Pinkish Floyd in 1973. (From "The Night Side of the Moon")

It'due south Tuesday, so information technology must exist time for a Friday list. In a convoluted Liz-logic sort of way this does make sense, see, because I won't be here Fri and then we need to brand hay while the sun shines, carpe diem, gather rosebuds and whatnot. So, on this browser page it'due south Fri and we're in list mode.

I saw Time's all-time top 100 album list last week, but we were so decorated getting ready for TomKat that it would've been lost in the shuffle. It's worth a await, but IMHO there'due south a lot amiss with this listing.

The albums aren't ranked, but divided past decade. I guess we're meant to depict some kind of determination from the fact that of the nine albums listed every bit 2000s releases, iv are compilations of older artists (Hank Williams, Muddied Waters, Elvis and Sam Cooke). Kanye W is there, but what about Jay-Z? More troubling -- while the Beatles make the listing five times (deservedly), the compilers totally shut out Pink Floyd, the Doors and Guns N' Roses. Balance assured, Dolly Parton and Fleetwood Mac both made it. And Courtney Dear's band Hole.

Fourth dimension as well excluded some of the more obscure albums included in other lists. Both The Zombies and the grouping Honey are included in Rolling Stone's top 100; New Music Express'due south listing centers on alternative acts and VH1's list sticks to the classics, but seems to have a more diverse spread including Lauryn Loma and The Constabulary.

I'm pretty fixated on the Pink Floyd close out. "Dark Side of the Moon" and "The Wall" are both overplayed, but both undeniably footing-breaking albums that rocked. And that'due south to say nothing of "Meddle," or "Wish You Were Here" or "Animals" or "Obscured by Clouds." Not that I'm a fan or annihilation.

Accept a look at the list, then tell me what y'all remember is missing.






By Liz Kelly  | Nov 21, 2006; x:36 AM ET
Categories:  Friday Lists
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Posted past: me | Nov 21, 2006 10:50 AM | Report abuse

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